iOS 5 and the new iPhone 4S are not without their bugs, even while mostly being on the ‘it just works’ department. One rather nasty one that just jumped on me is the iPhone camera & camera roll application crash issue: the monent you try to access any of your photos, or when you try to shoot a new one, the app just crashes. This issue has been around in various forms for more than a year now, it appears, so I am not sure this is related to iOS 5 or recent hardware. Apple care appears to either recommend totally wiping your device to factory settings, or they have even replaced the malfunctioning phone with a new one. There appears to be a fix, however, that solved the issue at least in my case. You need to download software (e.g. iExplorer) that you can use to delete any ‘sqlite’ marked metadata files related to your photos, and then let iOS rebuild its photo database. I am not sure what is going wrong, but I truly hope Cupertino will take notice and fix their OS soon. For more detailed instructions, and thanks for spreading the word, please visit the iPhoneInCanada site: